OILINK International Corporation is presently engaged in Trading, Terminalling and Marketing of various Fuels.
The company was incorporated on January 10, 1996. Today, OIC is now one of the country’s major suppliers of oil products. Aside from having a wide range of institutional clients, OIC also supplies part of the requirements of the oil majors as well as other new players in the industry.
News & Updates
- PH investors see profits turning wastes into fuel
Carbon black has a recovery rate of 12 to 15 per cent. He said he also
learned that 5 percent of waste combustible gas can be used as fuel
for the process, thus minimizing costs. The final product, he said, is
used in China to generate electricity. - P-Noy confirms BOC chief on the way out
MANILA, Philippines - President Aquino confirmed yesterday that Customs Commissioner Angelito Alvarez is on his way out. Aquino said he was not satisfied with Alvarez’s performance but refused to name his replacement until after the successor had made up his mind.
- 10% ethanol blend starts August 6
THE Department of Energy (DOE) said fuel retailers would be required to market a higher ethanol blend in gasoline products starting August 6.